** TODAY - 2/13 - join me in a discussion at Facebook for Mystery Thriller Week - 12 central - 1 pm EST. ** Also enter my giveaway all week to 2/22 - win a signed copy of Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter! (US shipping only) or win a Kindle copy! ** See giveaway HERE. ** And the winner is... congrats to Michelle Willms who wins a print copy of Lizzie!
* This is the third year for ZOctober at MyBookAddiction.com! ** Check out the Facebook page for events, giveaways and more. * I'm up on Saturday, Oct. 12 along with fellow author Scott Scherr. Check out his free zombie serial novel, Don't Feed the Dark on his blog. * Updating: Here are the participants and their FB pages: Here are the participants and their Facebook pages: (I'm up on Oct. 12) October 1st - Phillip Tomasso 2nd - Shawn P. Durnin (SP Durnin) 3rd - Michelle Kilmer 4th - Emily Walker 5th - Elizabeth Constantopoulos (Eli Constant) 5th - Devan Sagliani 6th - Meredith Pritchard (M.R. Pritchard) 7th - Melanie Karsak 8th - Bryan Way 9th - Peggy Sue Martinez 10th - Belinda Frisch 11th - Ryan Hill 12th - Christine Verstraete 13th - Michael Panush 14th - Rachel Tsoumbakos 14th - Samantha Warren 15th - Craig McDonough 16th - Amy Miles 17th - Jack Wallen 18th - The awesome girls of Contagious Reads 19th - Scott Scherr 20th - Brothers Dunne 21st- Khail Lerma 22nd - Elizabeth Lorraine 23rd - Lindsey Loucks 24th - Brian Parker 25th - Larry Weiner 26th - Angel Lawson 27th - G.G. Silverman 28th - Karen Kincy 29th - Allen Gamboa 30th - Claire Riley 31st - Lori Whitwam ![]() ** The October Frights Blog Hop runs to October 10 with prizes, giveaways and more. ** Check out my post and giveaway HERE. Be sure to go to all the stops below so the monsters don't get you!!! I'll be at WindyCon on Saturday! First time I'm attending this, so looking forward to it.
Feel free to join me during the reading and signings so I'm not talking to myself. ha! My schedule: 10 a.m. panel - Looking forward to meeting and talking with multi-award winning author Mike Resnick: (Despite they spelled my name wrong!) SF Authors as Mystery Writers SF and mysteries often appeal to the same readers, but it also appeals to some of the same authors. Join our panelists to hear what inspired them to combine SF and mystery writing and how adding another genre influences their writing. J. Cowan, E.Flint, C. Johns (M), M. Resnick, N. Silk, C. Verstraete Lilac B - 90 min. 3 p.m. Reading: I'll read a portion of GIRL Z: My Life as a Teenage Zombie and part, I think, of my story, The Songbird's Search, in the Athena's Daughters anthology. (See excerpt.) Reading C. Verstraete Maple - 1 hour 4 p.m. Autographs D. Murphy, J. Sights, C. Verstraete Autographing Tables - 1 hour ![]() Contagious Reads Horror Con - July 13-18. Here's the full schedule for the Facebook event. Meet some great lady horror authors - Q & A's, July 13-16. Panel discussions, July 17-18. Prizes & more! * Check out my Spotlight interview Q & A schedule: Sunday, July 13 9-10 a.m. Melanie Karsak 10:15-11:00 a.m. Annie Walls 4-5 p.m. Dawn Peers 6-6:30 p.m. Rhiannon Frater Monday, July 14 10-10:30 a.m. Claire C. Riley 11- Noon Emily Goodwin 2-3 p.m. Rachel Aukes 5-6 p.m. Sarah Lyons Fleming *** 7-8 p.m. C.A. Verstraete Tuesday, July 15 10-11 a.m. Peggy Martinez 12-12:30 p.m. Pauline Creeden 1-2 p.m. Alexia Purdy Wednesday, July 16 11- Noon Michelle Kilmer 1-1:30 p.m. T.A. Brock 5-6 p.m. Tonia Brown 7-8 p.m. Erin Hayes Panels: Thursday, July 17 Women in Horror: No, I don't write Urban Fantasy (Thursday July, 17th Morning Session) 1 hour 11 a.m. - Noon Rhiannon Frater, Dawn Peers, Jessica Meigs, Emily Goodwin, Melanie Karsak, Rachel Aukes Break for some contests. All things must die! Killing Characters: 1 hour 2-3 p.m. Dawn Peers, Sarah Fleming, Jessica Meigs, Annie Walls Break for more contests. Romance in Horror: Is this chick lit now? 2 Hours 5-7 p.m. Rhiannon Frater, Sarah Fleming, Jessica Meigs 5-6 pm Emily Goodwin, Annie Walls ---Hour 2 Authors--- 6-7 p.m. TA Brock, Tonia Brown C.A. Verstraete, Margo Bond Collins 8-9 p.m. Contests Friday, July 18 All Things Must Die, 1 hour 11- Noon Claire C. Riley, Melanie Karsak, Emily Goodwin, Tonia Brown, Rhiannon Frater, Margo Bond Collins Break for Contests! Zombies and Beyond: The struggle to not be pigeonholed into one sub-genre 2 hrs 2-3 p.m. Melanie Karsak, Peggy Martinez, Alexia Purdy, Michelle Kilmer, C.A. Verstraete, Claire C. Riley 3-4 p.m. Rhiannon Frater, TA Brock, Rachel Aukes, Margo Bond Collins Break For Contests Breaking Out! Being a versatile writer who works in various genres. without losing too many fans. 1 hr 5-7 p.m. Dawn Peers, Emily Goodwin, Peggy Martinez, Pauline Creeden, Erin Hayes 7 p.m. - The Awards! 8-10 p.m. - FUN! ![]() This is so COOL! I'm involved in a Kickstarter project to fund the Athena's Daughters anthology featuring stories by an incredible bunch of women. It includes my story, "The Songbird's Search" -- and a chance to be a character in my story and others!! Plus- the stories feature original illustrations and so much more! Backing is open from Dec. 10 to Jan. 8, 2014. See the Athena's Daughter's Kickstarter. ![]() Wow! A great surprise! GIRL Z: My Life as a Teenage Zombie is nominated for Best Paranoramal-Sci-Fi novel - 2014 Lovey Award, Love is Murder Mystery Conference ** GIRL Z: My Life as a Teenage Zombie WON! See blog update! A great 4-page spread about GIRL Z: My Life as a Teenage Zombie and me is in the May Paranormal Cravings e-magazine. Thank you Iris!
Upcoming 2013-14 Events - Conferences & Conventions
Upcoming cons: http://www.upcomingcons.com/ Feb 7-9, 2014 Love is Murder InterContinental Chicago O'Hare 5300 North River Road Rosemont, IL 60018 (847) 544-5300 http://www.loveismurder.net/ Feb. 6-9, 2014 - Capricon - sci-fi Westin Chicago North Shore 601 N. Milwaukee Avenue Wheeling, IL 60090 (847) 777-6500 http://capricon.org/capricon34/ June 8-9 Printer's Row Lit Fest Chicago http://www.chicagotribune.com/features/books/ Aug 9-11 Chicago Horror Convention - Flashback Weekend (Svengoolie, Zombie Pinup contest) Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare 5440 N. River Rd. Rosemont IL http://www.flashbackweekend.com/ Aug. 15-18 GenCon Indianapolis - www.gencon.com Aug 22-25 Killer Nashville http://www.killernashville.com/ Aug 30-Sept 2 Dragoncon Atlanta GA http://dragoncon.org/ Sept 13-15 Creatures Crimes & Creativity Baltimore MD http://creaturescrimesandcreativity.com/ Jeffrey Deaver, Christopher Golden (New Dead, 21st Century Dead) Sept. 19-22 Bouchercon, Albany NY http://bcon2013.com/ Sept. 20-22 Southeast Wisc. Festival of Books University of Wisconsin, Waukesha WI http://sewibookfest.com/ Oct (4-6 2012) Youth Literature Festival U of I Champaign Urbana, IL http://youthlitfest.education.illinois.edu/ Oct (12-14 2012) Sheboygan Children's Book Festival http://sheboyganchildrensbookfestival.org/ Nov 9-10 Murder & Mayhem in Muskego Muskego WI Public Library Nov 8-10 WindyCon, Lombard IL sci-fi Westin Lombard Yorktown Center Hotel http://www.windycon.org/ Nov.15-17 Days of the Dead Horror Convention Schaumburg, Ill. www.daysofthedead.net Nov (23-25 2012) ChambanaCon - sci fi etc http://chambanacon.org/ Nov (30-Dec 2 2012) TeslaCon - Steampunk convention Middleton WI http://teslacon.com/site/ I'll be signing books at the Wee C Dollhouse Club show - Friday and Saturday, Nov. 11-12, in Elk Grove Village, Ill. One of the best shows around with a HUGE display room. Stop by and say hello!
I'm participating in an author blog tour with a group of YA and middle grade authors. Check for links to my posts and for featured guests at my Candid Canine blog - beginning 9/6 Zombies, paranormal, mystery plus prizes! Who can beat that?
![]() Blog by Chris Verstraete - author, award-winning journalist, miniaturist. I love dogs, too. It's all good.
October 2024